Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blog 9

The 2 major gaming systems for the past 4 or 5 years have been the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3. For years people have debated which controller is better. They are both very technological controllers and very high end, let’s get into the details of both.

Xbox 360 controller (Microsoft)
The Xbox 360 controller is white and looks deceivingly big. It has some girth around the handles, allowing it to rest in the gamer’s hand, rather than be held tightly. This is preferable for gamers who like to cradle the controller. The Xbox controller is colorful and seems almost futuristic. The buttons are lettered (X,A,B,Y). Next, The “D-pad” on the Xbox controller is unique. The D-pad is the big grey button on the center-left of the controller that resembles four arrows. On the Xbox 360, the D-pad is one big button, that the gamer pushes in different directions to perform different actions. Because it is one big button rather than four little buttons, it is slightly less precise. Next, the triggers of the Xbox controller are big and spring loaded. They offer very little resistance, allowing the gamer to hold them longer without discomfort. The triggers of the Xbox 360 controller are located on the back and labeled RT for right trigger and LT for left trigger. The Xbox 360 controller has many accessories available. There are thousands of custom “skins” you can buy to cover the controller in almost any design available. These skins range from TV characters to sports teams to simple beach designs. The chargers available for the controller charge it very fast. Lastly, the Xbox battery packs last extremely long.

Playstation 3 controller (Sony)
The Playstation 3 controller is a sleek black controller and seems to be a lot smaller than the Xbox 360 controller. However, they are very close in size. The handles are a little slimmer, preferable for gamers who like to hold the controller tightly. The Playstation 3 controller looks more old school and conventional; it is very similar looking to the Playstation 2 and other older gaming system controllers. The main buttons on the controller are shapes (an X, square, circle, and triangle) again proving how basic and “old school” it is. The D-pad for this controller is located on the far left. It looks like 4 arrows as well, but they separate rather than one button. The triggers are located on top of the controller and labeled “2.” They offer slightly more resistance than the Xbox controller, making them uncomfortable to hold for extended time. The Playstation 3 controller has many accessories available as well. Gamers can design them with the same array of skins they can for the Xbox controller. The chargers for these controllers are also extremely efficient. Lastly, the battery lasts very long, but not quite as long as the Xbox controllers.

In conclusion, both controllers are top of the line and great controllers. It is all up to preference and what the gamer is used to. 

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