Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blog 11

My argument paper is about extreme sports, also known as action sports. I am arguing that athletes in these sports are legitimate well-trained athletes, and that the sports are just as safe as many conventional sports. My audience is the sports world. At first I thought ESPN would be a good place for a publication like this, however I realized the majority of ESPN articles are news about certain events happening in sports, not argument articles on general topics such as mine. I thought a more suitable place for my article would be the sports section of a newspaper, and I found a similar article on the Summit Post’s website.

What issue is the article about?
·      This article is about extreme sports. It talks about the type of people involved in extreme sports, and why society needs the sports and athletes involved.

What is the author’s stance on the issue?
·      The author believes that society needs extreme sports, as well as the athletes involved.

How does the author make his or her argument? How is the piece organized?
·      The author first talks about why society cannot get rid of these sports. He explains that the athletes get a certain high from competing in these sports, and put extreme amounts of time into them. If the sports weren’t allowed, the athletes would need to get their high in other ways, such as drugs and other crimes. He then talks about the need for thrill seeking risk takers. He states that without risk takers, our country would not be where it is today. It takes risk takers to immigrate to a country, it took risk takers like Martin Luther King Jr. to stand up for slavery, the list goes on and on.

Did you agree with the writer? Why or why not?
·      I do agree with the writer, everything he says makes a lot of sense. I especially agree with the point that without extreme risk takers our country would be nowhere near where it is today. Risk taking is what America was founded on.

What did you like about what the writer did in his/her piece? What would you have done differently?
·      I liked how the author organized his two main points. The second point fed off of the first one. Also I liked the sources they used. Used a very good source to explain the type of people who do extreme sports and how important they are to society. If I were to do something differently maybe I would bring up personal experiences either with risk taking people or as one myself.

How might you incorporate some of these techniques into your own piece? What might you do similarly to the author in writing your essay?
·      I think using a lot of sources is very important in this piece. I need to establish credibility, and although I have some experience in the field, it is such a broad field that I will need to do a lot of research and incorporate many sources. 

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